To use connection resiliency you will need to set recovery allowance. In setRecoveryAllowance() method you have to pass the number of seconds you want the server to retain the connection. Then whenever there is a connection error, you will receive connection_error_recoverable in onConnectDone, then you have to call recoverConnection() method to recover the lost connection.
While you have lost the connection and trying to recover the connection, you will lose all the game play. To deal with this, there is a special method getMoveHistory(). This method will return the last 5 moves. You can use this information to know what you have missed. You can even see the last move to check if it was your turn or not, if it is your turn then you can perform your turn
Whenever your connection breaks, other players will receive the onUserPaused notification to let them know that you are tying to reconnect. If you successfully get re-connected, other players will get onUserResumed notification. If you were unable to re-connect successfully within your recovery allowance time, others player will get onUserLeftRoom notification.