Game web page

0 votes
I want to create a web page in the game. 
For example, notice the event, customer information, utilizing consent, such as ... 
Please guide. 
Thank you.
closed with the note: Closing this thread as there was no update from last 2 Weeks or more. Please raise a new query if problem persists.
asked Oct 6, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by jeongdoojin8 (10 points)
closed Oct 27, 2014 by sushil

Can you please elaborate more on what you mean by 'web page in the game'? I am unable to understand your question. Please explain your question in more details.


Click on the game menu

Another custom code in static int var = 0; Are reset to 0 every time you call,
Custom code, do not use static variables?

Thank you.
Custom Code does not support use of static variable. If you have a requirement to have global counter/variable, just store it in storage service instead.
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