How can i get the turn time left/passed from the server?

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Hi, i am making a real time turn based game in Unity. I require to maintain a turn timer in my game. As a simple solution i made a local turn timer that starts when the turn is changed. But this method doesn't provide accurate feedback and in cases of crashes/reconnections it fails.

So is there a way i can get the actual turn time that is maintained on the server side instead of using a local timer?
asked Oct 15, 2014 in AppWarp by nikhil.jolly30 (15 points)

2 Answers

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Hello Nikhil,

If you want to maintain the timer on server side, you can easily maintain by using App42 Timer service. Using this service you can maintain the timer on server but for displaying the timer starts and end, you have to maintain it on local.

However if you want turn time to take any decision in game you should use our AppWarpS2   On Premise solution.In this you can write your own api on server side which will give you turn time,you can call your custom apis Using RPC apis of AppWarpS2.


Himanshu Sharma

answered Oct 15, 2014 by hs00105 (2,005 points)
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We dont have any Api to give turn time.We do notify users by calling onMoveCompleted event when turn gets completed .If you need turn time just to diplay it on the screen then the recommended way is local timer method,In this case dont take any decision in game on local timer basis,Use it to for time display only.

If you want turn time to take any decision in game you should use our AppWarpS2   On Premise solution.In this you can write your own logic on server side which will give you turn time.

answered Oct 16, 2014 by errahulpanchal (169 points)
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