Leaderboards service questions

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We're thinking of using the leaderboards service or creating our won leaderboards system based on the storage service and here are the questions:

1. Is the Leaderboards service built on top of the nosql storage service, or it build in some lower level api which is faster?

2. Does the user name from the leaderboard api methods has anything to do with the name of the user from the user management service?

3. How well does the leaderboard service scale to 1,000,000 users in the leaderboard?

4. How can I fetch users in the range 100 to 200?

5. How can I find the place in the leaderboard of a custom user given it's score id?

6. How can I find how many users are there in the leaderboard?

7. How to delete a score (user) from the leaderboard?

asked Oct 23, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by vladislav (10 points)

1 Answer

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Please find my ans in below lines
1. Is the Leaderboards service built on top of the nosql storage service, or it build in some lower level api which is faster?
Ans: Leader-board service is written on the top of No-SQL storage service to save your data along with user score which is faster and scalable. 

2. Does the user name from the leaderboard api methods has anything to do with the name of the user from the user management service?
Ans: The user name in the leader-board service is independent to User Management service. You can use both services in isolation.

3. How well does the leaderboard service scale to 1,000,000 users in the leaderboard?
Ans: Our leader-board service is run on large and highly scale able server. Lots of customers are using leader-board service in their games which has 10 millions of score saved.
4. How can I fetch users in the range 100 to 200?
Ans: You can user getTopNRankings with Page offset feature to get the the users in 100 to 200. To set the pageOffset, kindly use the below code snippet:
5. How can I find the place in the leaderboard of a custom user given it's score id?
Ans: You can use getUserRanking method to get the place of user in leader-board.

6. How can I find how many users are there in the leaderboard?
Ans: You can find the total count of user in User Management service which is equal to total count of leader-board users. If you are not using user management service, you can use storage service to make count.
7. How to delete a score (user) from the leaderboard?
Ans: You can delete the user score from AppHQ management console. Please find a below steps to delete the score: 
  • Login to your AppHQ Management Console
  • Click on Business Service >> Game Service >> Leader-board 
  • Select your game & user and click on delete score button to delete the score

Alternatively you can use edit score method and set user score in negative to make it soft delete score.


Himanshu Sharma


answered Oct 25, 2014 by hs00105 (2,005 points)
I hope, I have answered all of your query, kindly let us know if you have more questions for us.
Himanshu Sharma
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