[App42 AS3] Steps to fetch last 48 hours high scores in Leader board

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Hi App42 Team,

As the title, I have a leader board screen with 2 tabs:


1/ Tab1: Display 10 people that got the highest scores in last 48 hours. NOT DONE YET

2/  Tab2: All of player's Facebook friends playing my game. DONE


At tab 1, I've try my own solution using "Fetch Additional data in leaderboard" buthaving no luck.

Anyone has done this feature or having experience with this?



asked Nov 3, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by Mai Khánh (12 points)
Requirement 1 can be easily done using date range leaderboard (http://api.shephertz.com//app42-docs/leaderboard-service/?sdk=flash#get-top-rankings-by-date) Can you please explain what exactly you are trying to achieve in your own solution? Use case would be great to help you better.
Hi Ajay123,
I want to fetch additional jsons belong to each record in Leadboard. But actually the return data not include them. Can you help me?

1 Answer

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You need to set the query first for fetching the additional data of Leaderboard.
You can use the following code snippet before calling  the method:

Query query = QueryBuilder.build(key1, value1, Operator.EQUALS); 
scoreBoardService.setQuery("Your_Collection_Name", query);  
For reference of code  you can see our docs (http://api.shephertz.com/app42-docs/leaderboard-service/?sdk=android#fetch-additional-data-in-leaderbaord)

Let me know if it helps.



answered Nov 16, 2014 by naresh (350 points)
I hope your query has been resolved, kindly let us know if you have more questions for us.
Himanshu Sharma
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