My test case

0 votes
Hi, my test case is this:
+ Im sending messages like this: queueService.SendMessage('666666666666666', 'Hello world', 100000, UnityCallback()); 
+ Im receiving OnSuccess callback as an answer with this jquery:
"{\"app42\":{\"response\":{\"success\":true,\"queues\":{\"queue\":{\"queueName\":\"666666666666666\",\"queueType\":\"PULL\",\"messages\":{\"message\":{\"correlationId\":\"App42_666666666-81be-4b94-a1c2-0552264ba781\",\"payLoad\":\"Hello world \"}}}}}}}" 
+ I tried with 
queueService.PendingMessages('666666666666666', new UnityGetCallBack()); 
queueService.ReceiveMessage('666666666666666',1000, new UnityGetCallBack()); 
hoping to get the newly messages but instead im receiving "2401 - NOT FOUND - Queue with the name '@queueName' does not have any messages."
With this json response:
"com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.csharp.App42NotFoundException: {\"httpErrorCode\":404, \"appErrorCode\":2405, \"message\":\"Not Found\", \"details\":\"Queue with the name '666666666666666' does not have any pending messages.\"}"
"com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.csharp.App42NotFoundException: {\"httpErrorCode\":404, \"appErrorCode\":2401, \"message\":\"Not Found\", \"details\":\"Queue with the name '666666666666666' does not have any messages.\"}" 
+ I also tried to send multiple messages to check if the queue was storing all of them but in each ONSuccess I received messages list with only one item.
"{\"app42\":{\"response\":{\"success\":true,\"queues\":{\"queue\":{\"queueName\":\"666666666666666\",\"queueType\":\"PULL\",\"messages\":{\"message\":{\"correlationId\":\"App42_61616684-81be-4b94-a1c2-0552264ba781\",\"payLoad\":\"Hello world 12/3/2014 12:12:22 PM\"}}}}}}}"
"{\"app42\":{\"response\":{\"success\":true,\"queues\":{\"queue\":{\"queueName\":\"666666666666666\",\"queueType\":\"PULL\",\"messages\":{\"message\":{\"correlationId\":\"App42_66666666-6c50-47f4-a75f-3d56c7a8744d\",\"payLoad\":\"Hello world 12/3/2014 12:14:20 PM\"}}}}}}}"
related to an answer for: 2401 Not found - App42 Unity SDK
asked Dec 3, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by José Duret (22 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Hello Jose,

We have noticed that message expiry time you are passing is  100000ms (100 sec) while sending it to queue. If you don’t receive this message within this time frame, this will get expired and you should not be able to receive it. You need to increase the message time to receive at later point of time. We have just build a sample project for sending & receiving message.

Please have a look into it & let us know if it helps.


Himanshu Sharma


answered Dec 4, 2014 by hs00105 (2,005 points)
selected Dec 4, 2014 by José Duret
Thank you a lot for your help! :D That was the problem!
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