Buddy requests history

+1 vote
Hi, can you please clarify how buddy requests are managed by the backend once they have been accepted or rejected?

Case 1: if user B accepts a friend request from user A, will the request be removed from user B's list of received friend requests?

Case 2: If user B rejects user A's request but does not block user A, will user A be able to send another friend request to user B?
asked Dec 4, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by 2357.dev (15 points)

1 Answer

0 votes


Kindly find the answer in below lines:
Case 1: if user B accepts a friend request from user A, will the request be removed from user B's list of received friend requests?

Ans: Yes, it will be removed because A is friend of B now. 

Case 2: If user B rejects user A's request but does not block user A, will user A be able to send another friend request to user B?
Ans: Yes, A will be able to send another friend request to user B.
Let us know if you have more question for us.
Himanshu Sharma
answered Dec 5, 2014 by hs00105 (2,005 points)
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