Hello Shephertz,
I am having a curious problems when logging in and loggin out multiple times: So if I start the app and login/ lougout with :
userService.Authenticate(nameInputField.text, passwordInputField.text,new LoginCallBack(this));
and then logout with
userService.Logout(App42API.GetUserSessionId(), new LogoutCallBack(this));
Everything goes fine, But if I try to login and then logout again without restarting the app, I get the following when trying to logout:
App42Exception: SessionId can not be null
com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.csharp.util.Util.ThrowExceptionIfNullOrBlank (System.Object param, System.String paramName)
com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.csharp.user.UserService.Logout (System.String sessionId, App42CallBack callBack)
Same error happens if I try to save the sessionId somewhere else, instead of using App42API.GetUserSessionId(). This seems to be an API-bug, since after this error I get the call back, telling me logout was successful:
help would be much appreciated,