GetUsersWithScoreRange in the leaderboard API does it not exist within the server side?

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I was going through the leaderboard service. Within Unity I had access to GetUsersWithScoreRange but it was too slow, so I thought of giving server side a try. But I couldn't find that specific function. Can you please help? Is there any better way for accessing scores nearby the current user's score?
asked Oct 1, 2015 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by sancox91 (10 points)

1 Answer

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Could you please let me know how much time it will take to execute the above method. It will help us to provide better support to you. You can check the reponse time by logging into AppHQ Management Console. Click on App Manager >> Metering and check how much milisecond it will take to execute on server.

Please share the above details, and let us know your game name and app name which you have created under AppHQ Management Console.


Himanshu Sharma
answered Oct 1, 2015 by hs00105 (2,005 points)

The app name is - "SpillAndRun"

The game name is also - "SpillAndRun"

Metering shows me a variety of numbers for 'getUsersWithScoreRange' ranging from 12000 to 40000 Millis

However, the other calls such as getTopNRankers .etc. are pretty fast ranging from 20 to 80 Millis.

BTW, I also tried getUsersWithScoreRange with custom code and there also it gets too slow, sometimes even times out.

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