On iOS, the getTopRankersByGroup-method takes a lot of time to load, sometimes it works, but most of the time it fails with an internal server error:
2015-10-20 00:33:51.986 exception={"app42Fault":{"httpErrorCode":500,"appErrorCode":1500,"message":"Internal Server Error","details":"Internal Server Error. Please try again"}}
My code:
ServiceAPI *servicAPI = [[ServiceAPI alloc] init];
servicAPI.apiKey = APP42_APP_KEY;
servicAPI.secretKey = APP42_SECRET_KEY;
ScoreBoardService *scoreboardService = [servicAPI buildScoreBoardService];
NSArray *arr = [[NSArray alloc]initWithObjects:@"Nick", nil];
Game *game=[scoreboardService getTopRankersByGroup:GAME_NAME group:arr];
NSMutableArray *scoreList = game.scoreList;
I don't have a lot of leaderboard entries (around 10 in total), so I don't think it's a leaderboard-size-issue. The same method works fine on Android. (in the above code, the "Nick" username is of course just a sample, I'm using the actual usernames of the game in the production code)