App42API.Initialize() in Unity build

0 votes

I ran this in the unity Editor and it worked great but when I do a build and put in the VS to test my project I get the following error, System.AccessViolationException' occurred in UnityEngineProxy.dll. This is only accuring when I use this in my Void Start() or anywhere else it is being called App42API.Initialize() . So with App42API.Initialize()  my game crashes, any suggestions on how to fix it?

asked Nov 28, 2015 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by Allen Coleman (20 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello Allen,


Could you please share some more details regarding this issue like in which version of Unity you are working on, your App42 SDK version? Also for which platform you are building your app and getting this issue.

P.S We are not using UnityEngineProxy.dll, so we need to check what is root cause of this issue. If possible, thnn please share your sample project with us. It will help us to replicate the same at our end and provide better support to you.


Himanshu Sharma
answered Nov 28, 2015 by hs00105 (2,005 points)
Hi Himanshu,
    Sorry about that, I am using unity 5.2.3f1 building for UWP 10 in Visual studios 2015 community. Where would I upload my project too?   Using UnityLeaderBoard masterSDK.
I have just sent over the two files, just attach on to the a gameobject and the other is a abstract class of sorts.
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