Can not subscribe to Lobby room

0 votes


I think I correctly call the


method, and I do receive a sucessful response in the

onSubscribeLobbyDone method.


But neither the method

onUserJoinedLobby is called, and nor the myGame.getLiveLobbyInfo() 
method returns the list of available users. The response from 
the latter method is null.

How should I register a user to Lobby, and then receive the username?

I am using the App42MultiPlayerGamingSDK.jar, and it is the latest version, because I downloaded a couple of days ago.

Thank you,


asked Jan 2, 2016 in AppWarp by info (16 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
After reading some other posts, I realized that I first have to join the Lobby, and then subscribe to it.

Does the same apply when I leave the lobby? Can I just unsubscribe or do I need to leave and unsubscribe the lobby?


Also, can I get a list of only the users who are subscribed to the Lobby?


Thank you,

answered Jan 2, 2016 by info (16 points)
getLiveLobbyInfo gives the list of users who has joined the lobby. That is why you were not getting the list of users just after subscribing the lobby.
Also, onUserJoinedLobby is a notification sent from AppWarp server to the lobby subscribers whenever any user joins the lobby.
I hope it helps.
Thank you for the reply. But, do you know if I need to both leave and unsubscribe from the lobby or if can merely leave? Also, is it possible to get a list of all the users who are subscribed to the lobby room?
As of now, you can get the list of users who are joined to lobby. List of subscribed users are not available.
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