None .as files method to use api and code in first frame of .fla

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Can someone please show me simple sample code in action script 3.0 to create user and log in, but dont use packages or outside classes, just code in the first frame of timeline. I looked at the samples with the OOP methods and I cant get it to work
asked Mar 19, 2016 in Flash by Varun Dewan (10 points)

1 Answer

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Hi Varun,

Please have a look at this link for Getting started with App42 Flash SDK and creating your user using App42 SDK. If you face any issue while integrating it then please share the exception details. It will help us to provide better support to you.

P.S Above link contains tutorial which have simple code to create your user using App42 SDK. 


Himanshu Sharma

answered Mar 19, 2016 by hs00105 (2,005 points)
I have looked at it before and I can not get this segment of code to work:

public class callback implements App42CallBack    
    public function onException(excption:App42Exception):void    
        trace("Exception Message");    
    public function onSuccess(response:Object):void    
        var user:User = User(response);  
        trace("response is : " + user);  

how can I use this with out the implements interface? I am writing all code in a single frame without using OOP or outside .as classes
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