About facebook log in from app42 using unity

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I come form non-English-Speaking country, if I am Impolite, I'am sorry first of all.

I use android to test.

many games use facebook app to log in, it means you don't create any account or password, just switch to facebook app(or that's a website?) , and click "continue?",  you will create a account to play game, it is just I want, but I don't know how to do this when I use App42.

from this:http://api.shephertz.com/app42-docs/social-integration-service/

The first question:

before running LinkUserFacebookAccount, I don't know userName and accessToken, right?

and after call UnityCallBack() , I just get a object "response", and I can use it to get userName or fb Access Token,like this : social.GetUserName() or social.GetFacebookAccessToken().

so, How could I get UserName and AccessToken before running LinkUserFacebookAccount?I don't know the order in sequence by code.

The sceond question:


I try to use DoFBOAuthANdGetToken() to log in with facebook, and  code is below:

        string[ ] perms = new string[2];
        perms[0] = FBPerms.email;
        perms[1] = FBPerms.user_friends;
        App42API.BuildSocialService( ).DoFBOAuthAndGetToken(fbAppID, perms, true, new UnityCallBack( ));

But, It open a link "https://api.shephertz.com/facebook/OAuth/" and show "Error Occurred : while Communicating With App42"

1、why does it show this message?

2、Before I said, I want to start up facebook app, not a website, how should I make it, or I'm wrong, that's not fb app, just a website?

thank a lot.

asked Aug 5, 2016 in Unity by game.dev (10 points)
edited Aug 8, 2016 by game.dev

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi GameDev,

Apologies for getting late back to you. The exception which you shared occurs when you have not configure your app settings and the complete step to configure Facebook login using App42 SDK. Could you please check you have configured all the settings and passed the correct values in Sample. If you still face any issue then please share your sample project with us at support@shephertz.com. It will help us to provide better support to you.



Himanshu Sharma
answered Aug 8, 2016 by hs00105 (2,005 points)
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