Unable to setup push notifications for android app

0 votes
Hi, we are trying to implement push notifications for Android through your Corona SDK Rest API. As you might already be aware that Google has declared gcm to be deprecated and have asked all developers to use fcm instead. Therefore, any new project created on firebase doesn't contain the legacy server key which has been used by app42 for notifications.

The dashboard won't let us enter the FCM key for the new servers because it is more than 100 characters long and we are thus unable to setup push for our app. Can you please advise?

asked Apr 3, 2020 in Android by Famous Dogg Studios (11 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote


The issue has been resolved at our end, clould you please check the same and confirm.



Priyanka Singh

App42 Team
answered Apr 4, 2020 by anonymous
Thanks, Priyanka!

It's working for now :)

Appreciate the prompt support!
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