I'm using Unity3D 4.5.2f1 and Facebook SDK 5.1.0.
My app was working good. But from yesterday after calling LinkUserFacebookAccount:
socialService.LinkUserFacebookAccount(FB.UserId,FB.AccessToken,Constant_App42.apiKey_Facebook,Constant_App42.secretKey_Facebook, socialCallback);
i get exception:
Exception : com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.csharp.App42BadParameterException: {"httpErrorCode":"400", "appErrorCode":"2208", "message":"Bad Request", "details":"The Facebook Access Credentials are invalid. Received Facebook error response of type OAuthException: (#12) username is deprecated for versions v2.0 and higher"}
For login to fb i used permissions: "email,public_profile,user_friends,publish_actions"
What should i do for resolve this problem?