It's way past 15 Oct and still no news about the new SDK for corona?

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Hi, I was promised a new SDK for corona that support create user with role which is supposed to be released before 15 Oct. However, it is now way past 15 Oct and there is still no news yet. Can somebody help? Thanks. TC
related to an answer for: Create user with role
asked Oct 20, 2016 in Corona by tianchoh (10 points)
Hi Tian,

Please download the latest version of App42 Corona SDK ( which contains new methods of role. Let us know if you need any help while implementing.

We are happy to help you.

Himanshu Sharma
Hi Sharma,

Great! This is working very well.

Tian Choh

1 Answer

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Hi Tian,

Apologies for the delay in notifications.

The release has been postponed due to some other high priorities. I have raised the priority level for this SDK and will try to update you by today EOD or by tomorrow morning.


answered Oct 21, 2016 by rajeev.etc (1,660 points)
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